dilluns, 4 de desembre del 2017


Every summer I go to Portaventura.
Portaventura is in Salou, Tarragona. I used to have a flat in Salou, so I always went once a year  to Portaventura.
After I had the flat in Salou, we left it and we bought a flat in Castelldefels.
There in Castelldefels we only went to the beach, and I didn't like the beach, so my mother decided to stay in our house and do little trips.
This summer, we went to a camping site for a week, we went to Portaventua, to Isla Fantasia, to the beach so many times, to the swimming pool, and others places like Montserrat, etc.
I missed staying in Salou for the summer holidays, but I liked doing little activities.

Resultado de imagen de portaventura